Sunday, August 7, 2011

Popcorn Tea: To Drink or Not To Drink

Occasionally, I like to type stuff into the Google search bar to become more informed.  I've previously mentioned in one of my blogs that I type questions, but I also type topic names or subjects that I want to know more about.

A few months ago, I typed in "best herbal teas" and selected the first link that popped up.  The web address is as follows:  And on that particular website, the first tea they list (to my amazement) is popcorn tea.

Now, when I learned there was such a thing as popcorn tea, I was perplexed.  I could not understand why popcorn tea would exist.  It made no sense to me.  Yet, I was intrigued.

I read about how it's made out of green tea and sweet corn.  One brand name that sells is it Teapigs, which is a funny brand name in itself.  It amused me greatly that there was such a brand because I do feel it is likely that there are people who pig out on tea (myself being such a person).

I love to praise creativity and so my hat goes off to the people who came up with the brand name Teapigs.  That is amazing!!

Now, I still have yet to try popcorn tea.  I'm still wondering if it would actually be worth the trouble.  I've sampled all sorts of herbal teas over the years and I've found that I'm rather picky.  As such, perhaps it's not yet time for me to try something as revolutionary-sounding as popcorn tea.  As it stands, I shall think about it.

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