Monday, August 6, 2012

Why It Might Be Advisable To Become A Workaholic

So I had a temporary appointment job over the summer.  It was "hands down" the BEST JOB I've ever had.  It suited me well, there was tons to learn so I was never bored, and I met some really awesome people.  I made friends and I feel like I haven't made those in terms of work friends in a long time.  I also feel that I grew as a person and am better for having worked as hard as I worked this summer.

It's been a little over a week since my appointment ended and I've been completely lost ever since.  I felt really sad because it was a sudden loss of purpose for me.  Having a full-time job had also been a huge boost of confidence for me.  It was a nice feeling to be needed on a project.

This sudden sense of loss made me feel like I better understand what it is like to be laid off, suddenly without a job with nothing but free time on your hands.  I think after this experience, I understand why my dad's side of the family is full of workaholics.  It's easier to live life when focusing on tasks than on trying to fix whatever insecurities I have related to self-esteem or the desire to do well in life as a woman living in a man's world.

When I was left to my own devices, I found I had a lot of worries that work dispelled from my mind.  Frankly, I didn't have time to fret about what I fretted about before because I had an interesting job to keep me occupied.

I thank my lucky stars that my little brother Matt was in town visiting.  I love him to death and he's amazing company.  He's honestly the nicest person I know.  He always puts the needs of others above any inconvenience he has to endure.  I tend to be more selfish at times, but watching him do so much because he cares about other people is something I admire about him.

I feel really fortunate to have such great siblings.  I'm proud of all of them for various things and notice qualities in them that are extraordinary.  I also have great parents and accomplished cousins.  There are so many wonderful people surrounding me.  I hope I can continue to live up to the standard set around me.

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