Thursday, August 30, 2012

Amusing Snidbits from Paul Ryan's Speech

I ended up catching a bit of Paul Ryan's speech on the news last night.  There were a couple of things that he said that I thought were rather hilarious.

1. "You haven't failed. Your leaders have failed you."

This statement is very Uncle Sam-esque and memorable.  However, this logic is flawed (pause) because if we are really honest with ourselves, the truth is that we have some control regarding our own failure.  If a student fails a test, it is likely that that student did something to cause this calamity to happen.  The student might have chosen to not study enough or possibly got wasted in lieu of being responsible.  There are countless possibilities to explain the failure, but the individual must realize that they had some hand in such a failure.

Given that the Republican campaign is economy-based, this comment likely refers to failure in relation to unemployment.  However, there are a lot of people living in the United States.  Is it really the President's responsibility to make sure all citizens are gainfully employed? I believe that we as individuals have to apply for jobs and go to interviews.  Frankly, our leaders have to focus more on bigger pictures than those of the rugged individual when working themselves.  To expect our leaders to make life easy for us is just plain ridiculous.

It is hard to get things done among the three branches of government.  The President can only get what he or she wants done when the majority of the Congress coincides with his or her own political party.  Anyone who will believe that it is as simple as, "let's blame the President" does not understand the complexities of the American republic democracy.

2. He said something or other about how the Romney-Ryan ticket wanted to clean up this past Presidency as well as the past Presidency before that one.

I thought this statement was hilarious because Ryan inadvertently dissed his own political party because Bush was the President before Obama and he was a Republican.  Hence, this statement was an admission that putting the country in the hands of Republicans does not always work out for the best for the nation.

In any case, I was very amused by Ryan's speech.  I chuckled to myself and decided to share my thoughts on my blog.  If nothing else, Presidential campaigns are entertaining to watch.  I like to analyze the words spoken, when they are particularly interesting.

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