Additional criticism is like twisting the knife that I've already stabbed into myself.
Why can't people be nicer? Why do people feel the need to make other people feel bad?
Isn't it enough that I'm trying to make something of myself? Isn't it enough that I'm not sitting on a mountaintop in escape of the world? Why must I fit into a mold of some kind? Why can't I just be me and be loved for who I am? Why must people pick me apart like I'm a frog on the dissection table?
I know my life isn't perfect. I know I don't have my life completely together. But I also know that people my age often don't have their life together either. Let me figure it out. Watch and cheer me on. Be supportive. I promise you I will figure it out eventually.
Don't rush me. I'll go at my own pace. I'm not in a hurry. The tortoise wasn't in a hurry during his race with the hare, but he still won.
I don't need naysayers or bosses to push me in the direction they want me to follow. I want nice positive people in my life. Let's be happy that I'm awesome now, in aims of being more awesome later.
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