Friday, July 22, 2011

What Is The Cinema World Coming To? Why Must You Insult Me?

What is with these movies coming out about women and men having strictly physical relationships?!! I keep seeing the preview for that Friends With Benefits (FWB) movie that is coming out and it really irks me.  The title itself is a bad message to be sending out to impressionable young women.  Even if the couple ends up getting together into a relationship at the end of the movie, it's still stupid to tell girls that a strictly physical relationship could turn into something more.  Seeing something like this will likely cause more women to have expectations, which will lead to more disappointment if things don't work out.

Another thing I think when I see this preview for FWB is "Didn't they just come out with a movie just like this?"  In particular, I'm referring to No Strings Attached with Ashton Kutcher and Natalie Portman.  The plot of starting out in a physical-only relationship and realizing the complications associated with that has been done already this year.  Do the creators of these movies think people prefer Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis to Kutcher and Portman?  Portman was in The Professional and Star Wars, for God's sake.  She's got a following.  Ironically, Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher were both in That 70's Show and now they are doing movies with the same plotline.  Coincidence?

In any case, it seems like people making the movies just like to recycle ideas that have already been put into movies before.  Am I the only one who realizes these movies are just modern-day versions of When Harry Met Sally?

Another thing I want to say is that the movie titles these days are really insulting to women.  I will list the following:
He's Just Not That Into You
Ghosts of Girlfriends Past
Best Friend's Girl
Knocked Up
Easy A
No Strings Attached

He's Just Not That Into You.  That is really depressing for a girl to hear and it's offensive.  Ghosts of Girlfriends Past.  I admit that I really liked this movie, but who wants to be reduced from a person to a ghost.  It's bad enough that camera shots cut women into pieces on television and in advertisements.  Now, you want to make women ectoplasmic, faded, or less than a regular person.  Best Friend's Girl.  Not an insulting title in itself, but the premise in the plot that women will not realize they have a good man before they date a bad one (that you hire) is insulting.  Furthermore, it is manipulative and it makes me hope that men don't start businesses like that from being inspired by this movie.  Knocked Up.  I'm sure that I can speak for all women when I say referring to a pregnant woman as "knocked up" is not in any way flattering.  Easy A.  Once again, the title alone is not insulting.  But when the cover of the movie has a girl on it and the word "Easy" written on it in big letters, it is slightly insulting.  And, I already mentioned the last two listed earlier.

Amazingly, as I was browsing the movie titles, I found that there are titles insulting to men as well.  I will list the following:
The Makeover
She's Out of My League

Thus, I am addressing the writers who come up with movie titles: Stop coming up with titles that are sure to lower self-esteem!!! I don't want to be immersed in titles that insult my gender.

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