Sometimes, being soft is just as important as being tough. Some trees bend and survive for decades because they are a little soft and can adapt to their environment. Other trees experience one strong storm and break because they are too tough, spewing a million jagged splinters everywhere. The tough tree might go out in a blaze of glory, but it might be a short excuse for a life.
Sometimes, it is best to remain silent, despite flooding emotions. Words spoken or written in haste sometimes hurt others unintentionally.
Sometimes, it is hard to voice an opinion because it will not be well-received. Yet, holding a voice inside often increases stress.
I think some hindrances were put into my life to drive me mad. I keep having to hold my tongue when I feel bad about things and I keep being told to suck it up, but that just seems wrong to me.
Why would the universe have given humans the ability to speak, if we were not intended to speak? Why would we be able to speak, if we weren't meant to speak and meant to even speak up for ourselves?
I just don't get it. How is anyone supposed to have an opinion, when everyone is telling everyone else constantly to shut up? How is anyone supposed to have an opinion, when common courtesy dictates that we have to raise consideration for other people's feelings above our need to vent?
I'm human! I'm not always nice. I'm not always rational. I'm not always happy with what is going on around me. I can try to behave and act civil, but that doesn't mean I don't think differently than how I act.
That being said, I'm a very sensitive person to what others say to me. Thus, I understand why people are sometimes sensitive. And I would rather if people around me would keep their negative opinions to themselves and/or locked away securely in diaries I will ideally never see.
I feel like life is full of crazy conundrums like this one of upholding courtesy versus trying to retain sanity. I used to be able to uphold courtesy without losing my mind, but everyone has a limit. I can't hold my tongue anymore. I might have to resume my private journal as well as this blog to handle all of life's little aggravations. I will try to retain my sanity because without my sanity, I will have internal anarchy and will likely spontaneously combust.
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