Ironically, Mitt Romney looked better appearance-wise long before the convention. Romney is starting to resemble Richard Nixon in appearance now. It's creepy! I'm hoping that his looks don't help him get elected to office, due to the resemblance of a past President (even though it is to a notorious one).
In any case, given that I believe Obama is the more intelligent and genuine of the 2 major candidates, Obama is going to get my vote. I wish Obama wasn't running again, because I'm still a huge Hillary Clinton fan. I'd rather have Hillary as the next President, truth be told. If I thought I could get her elected writing her in, I would.
I don't know. Maybe I'll do what I did for the last election and vote for Ralph Nader. I hate having limited choices to 2 major candidates, when I'm not gungho about either one.
I feel like the past years have shown politicians as circus performers, who talk a lot, have a lack of morals, and get paid a lot of money on the national level to do their song and dance. I have lost faith in my government. This relates to the news coverage on the two houses and not on Presidential candidates.
I want a fresh face and I don't want that face to be Nixon-esque Mitt Romney. Why did Ted Kennedy have to die when he did? I wanted Ted to run. He paid his dues and had the congressional experience. It's too bad that he couldn't throw his hat into the ring.
What happened to single term Presidencies? I'm sick of these Presidents running twice, thinking that another four years will make a difference. That's insane. That's a gamble because the only way that Presidents get more stuff done is if their party has a majority in both the Senate and the House and that's not a sure thing any given congressional election year.
I also don't like that these politicians speaking at these conventions talk in extremes because it's all a show to get nominated only to change to moderate stance later. I think these politicians think the general populace is ignorant of how the political system works. I'M NOT IGNORANT!
And why don't we just do away with the Electoral College? I would like to believe that these conventions weed out unsuitable candidates anyway. So why can't we, the people, select our own President?!! It doesn't make sense to me to keep an antiquated electoral system such as the Electoral College when so many people in America are educated now.
In any case, I'm not satisfied with the choices that the upcoming Presidential Election has given me. I'm not satisfied with the state of this nation's electoral system. I WANT MY OPINION TO MATTER!
Disclaimer: Not wanting Obama as a 2nd term President is not the same as not liking and respecting my nation's leader. He's the Denzel Washington of Presidents. <3 I just want somebody new and fresh. And my comments about Romney being like Nixon were only related to my observations of his appearance at the latest Republican National Convention. I do not intend to slander anyone. I am simply ranting about my frustration with my limited choices for the Presidential seat in 2012.